Kollaboratoriet 2.0 workshops: Setup and accessibility in Ableton Live
Kollaboratoriet 2.0 invites everyone from the global majority to 4 workshops focusing on music production and exploring the creative process!
In the first workshop you can learn about DAWs and specifically get more aquainted with Ableton Live and how to use that in your music production.
- When you attend this you are required to bring a computer and to not have Ableton Live
- The workshops can be in Danish or English
- The max. capacity for each workshop is 7 people
- All workshops will be 2 hours
- Location and time will be sent to participants.
Sign up
You can apply for the workshops through our mail: Kollaboratoriet20@riseup.net
And yeah: you can apply to participate in multiple workshops.
When you apply please write your name, pronouns and which workshop you want to join.