Promote your event

Read about how to upload your event to our website, and get tips on how to find your target audience and get the right people to come to your event.

When you organize events in collaboration with us, there are some guidelines regarding design and promotion that must be followed.

Upload you event to our website

If you organize events in Union, you must post them on our website so that they are included in our cultural calendar.

From here they will also 'feed' to the cultural calendar, and will also be shown on our info screens around the house.

Once you have entered all the information in the form below, it will be sent to us for approval. If there are no major changes, you will be able to find your event online at within two working days.

Fill out the form

When you fill in the form, you must attach a high-resolution image. There must be no text or logos on the image, as it will be cropped for different platforms.


If you create events in Union in collaboration with us, Union's design guide for collaborations must be followed.

In practical terms, this simply means that you must send an event photo (without text and logo) to our communications manager: - we will then layout the poster and Facebook cover for the event.

Social media

Once you have been sent a Facebook event image from us, you can create the event. Remember to make Union a co-host. Feel free to put Union as the location when you promote on, for example, Instagram.

Feel free to make an editorial plan for what content you post and when. Increase your presence with more posts and stories leading up to the event. If you don't have the funds for online advertising, your network is your strongest card: Invite friends and key people.

Make a list of pages, places or people who can help you promote your event - it's free to ask, so give it a shot. And it's always better to have others refer to you than to be the drunk person in the bar who brags and pats himself on the back.


It requires a bit of skill, but good press work can make your event reach a little further. Press releases can get lost in the crowd, so feel free to follow up by calling the journalist and pitching your story on the phone.