Expectacle casteller X 48 Timer

Reach for the sky with the catalan group and their tower of humans.

Are you ready to leave Denmark for some minutes and be teleported in a town festivity in Catalonia? During this workshop, Xiquets will guide you into being part of this centuries-old history. The “castellers” will show us how a human tower is built and what is needed to build solid castles from the base up to the top. 

After observing, you will have the possibility to try yourself to build small towers and, probably, you will fall in love with the world of Castells, where everyone, independently of age, gender and body type, contributes together to caress the sky with a hand!


Human Towers, or “castells” in Catalan, is a traditional cultural activity from Catalonia where people assemble themselves in constructions up to 10-stories high. This quite spectacular tradition is recognised as a Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity from UNESCO. 

Xiquets Copenhagen

Xiquets Copenhagen is a Human Towers team that was founded in 2014 by a Dane that came back to the Danish capital after a stay in Barcelona. In their 10 years of history, Xiquets has helped spreading it in Denmark, holding various workshop and performances.



Nørre Allé 7

2200 København N
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